Smile an everlasting smile
A smile can bring you near to me
Don't ever let me find you down
'Cause that would bring a tear to me
This world has lost its glory
Let's start a brand new story now, my love
Right now, there'll be no other time
And I can show you how, my love
Talk in everlasting words
And dedicate them all to me
And I will give you all my life
I'm here if you should call to me
You think that I don't even mean
A single word I say
It's only words and words are all I have
To take your heart away
You think that I don't even mean
A single word I say
It's only words and words are all I have
To take your heart away
It's only words and words are all I have
To take your heart away
It's only words and words are all I have
To take your heart away
钻石钻石亮晶晶 好像天上摘下的星 天上的星儿摘不着 不如钻石值黄金 钻石钻石亮光光 好似彩虹一模样 彩虹只在刹那间 不如钻石长光芒 我爱钻石亮晶晶 我爱钻石亮光光 我爱钻石冷如冰 我爱钻石硬如钢 钻石钻石硬如钢 好比男子铁心肠 性感美女送上门 给他两记大巴掌 钻石钻石冷如冰 好如蛇蝎美人心 男人爬在她脚下 踢他一脚叫他滚 我爱钻石亮晶晶 我爱钻石亮光光 我爱钻石冷如冰 我爱钻石硬如钢 钻石钻石我爱你 钻石钻石我爱你 我爱钻石光芒长!